If you know what you’re doing, email marketing can be engaging, compelling, effective, and a fantastic tool for lead generation.
Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to throw together a few words and push “send” without truly considering what you’re saying. This strategy might work on occasion. However, it usually results in poor outcomes, a connection with subscribers, and disappointment.
What if you could create emails that consistently generate a mountain of opens and click-throughs? That would be fantastic, right?
One of the keys to email marketing success is persuasive writing. We’ll go over the six principles of persuasion in this post, as well as five strategies for making your emails more compelling and intriguing to your readers.

Persuasion is a skill.
Before we get to the heart of this post, it’s important to note that persuasion and manipulation are not synonymous. Your emails should not try to persuade readers to buy; instead, show them how buying is in their best interests.
Persuasion is an art form. When done correctly, everyone benefits.
With that in mind, RisePath has put together six persuasive principles for composing emails.
1. Reciprocity: When you give something to someone else, they are more likely to return the favour. Giving away free, downloadable information in exchange for an email address is an excellent strategy to create a subscriber list for this reason.
2. Consistency: The majority of people desire to maintain their word. If they say they’re going to do something, they intend to do it. Getting a prospect to take a tiny step—for example, downloading an eBook—will motivate them to take larger steps.
3. Social Proof: The greater the number of individuals who use or practise something, the more appealing it gets. Would you rather buy a piece of software that everyone on LinkedIn loves or a generic utility you saw online, for example? Testimonials and reviews are particularly effective because of this “follow the leader” mentality.
4. Authority: Humans are taught to respect authority from the moment they are born. As a result, when we believe someone is an expert on a particular issue, we are more likely to pay attention to what they have to say. We may even purchase the items they recommend.
5. Liking: It’s a lot simpler to persuade someone to do something if you like them. Businesses that present themselves in an appealing manner and seek common ground with their prospects are more likely to succeed than those that do not.
6. Scarcity: When you find that Product X is virtually sold out, what’s your initial reaction? If you’re interested in Product X at all, you’ll probably want to buy it as soon as possible. Scarcity is an effective persuasion strategy. Just be careful not to overdo it!
Let’s look at five particular ways you may make your emails more appealing to your readers now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of persuasion.
5 ideas of email marketing that will help you make your emails more compelling.
You spent a significant amount of time creating your email marketing. Isn’t it great if they could get more clicks? It would, of course! These five pointers can assist you in writing very convincing emails:
1. Get to know your audience
Without a thorough grasp of your target demographic, it’s extremely difficult (read: nearly impossible) to succeed in marketing. Who are you attempting to contact?
Take some time to learn about your readers before writing another great subject line, paragraph of body text, or killer CTA. What are their favourite and least favourite things? What are their objectives? Do they face any specific daily obstacles that you can assist them with?
You may offer your company’s products as a feasible solution once you understand the kind of material your audience enjoys and the problems they want to solve. Nothing is more convincing than a solution to a problem that has yet to be solved.
However, how can you come to know your audience? It’s fairly simple…
- Interrogate them: Send a simple survey to your subscribers to discover more about them. Offer a little reward for completing the survey to increase the number of responses.
- Examine your statistics: How do your current communications engage your readers? Which topic lines get the most clicks? What content types encourage people to click?
- Examine your target audience: Researching your target market, in general, might also be beneficial. Visit blogs and online discussion boards that cater to your target market.
2. Maintain your concentration
If you’re like most businesses, you’re only comfortable emailing your list once or twice a month. As a result, you’re likely to have a lot to say in each communication. However, emails that focus on one item and one thing only are the most persuasive.
Put yourself in the shoes of your readers. How would you react if a company encouraged you to read their blog posts, follow them on social media, buy a product, and donate to a worthy cause all in one email? You’d be so stressed out that you’d push “delete.” ASAP.
Focus on one thing per email and see how your results increase.
The good news is that you may be able to email your readers more frequently than you presently do. Weekly promotional emails are preferred by 61 percent of consumers. And 38% of them said they wouldn’t mind receiving these types of messages more regularly.
To put it another way, you don’t have to fit everything into a single email. Simply contact your email list more frequently and ensure that each communication is focused on a single topic. A free email marketing software like RisePath’s helps you organise and keep track of your email list efficiently.
3. Tell an interesting story
We’re all obsessed with stories, it’s a fact. They’ve always been important to the human experience. Improve your narrative skills to make your emails more persuasive.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to be the next Ernest Hemingway to be successful at this. Only a few best practices, which we detail below, are required:
- Main character: Who is the main character in your story? Make sure your readers can identify with this character. When your audience looks at your MC, they should see a reflection of themselves.
- Quick Opening: Don’t leave the best for last. Start your article with a bang to grab readers’ attention right away. This is something that can be done in the topic line. “How I Make Six Figures a Year,” for example, is preferable to “How to Start a Business.”
- Compelling conflict: Wait, you want to cause conflict in your emails? Conflict is, indeed, fascinating! Make it obvious what your main character wants and why in your story. Then, to generate conflict, explain why they can’t have it. Eventually, make your product or service the solution that allows your character to finally fulfil their goals.
- Authenticity: Be genuine to your brand and/or yourself at all times. Insincerity is detectable by modern consumers, and they dislike it. Fortunately, readers will form enduring bonds with you if you show yourself in a genuine, genuine way.
Every email you send doesn’t have to be a huge story. However, if you make it a habit to include short stories in your emails, it will be a lot easier to persuade subscribers.
4. Discuss a problem
We’re all dealing with issues. It can be beneficial to remind readers of their problems before presenting your products and/or services as the logical solution.
This is an effective persuasion technique, especially when dealing with readers who aren’t driven to fix their problems. Even for the better, change is difficult. To persuade your subscribers to act, you may need to elicit a few emotions.
Remember, it’s never a good idea to exaggerate or, worse, create difficulties out of thin air. When you know your readers are facing a problem you can help them solve, but they haven’t fully grasped the implications of inaction, use this persuasion method.
How does this appear in real life? Here’s an illustration:
A B2B software salesperson discovers that one of his company’s primary competitors recently improved their SaaS product. Customers are not delighted with the competitor, unfortunately. The software is glitchy and difficult to use. With this information, the sales representative looks for the email addresses of competitors’ customers and sends them a brief note.
He tells them how much his consumers enjoy his company’s products and how they don’t have the same issues that the competitors’ do.
5. Don’t be overbearing.
Finally, keep in mind that most individuals dislike being told what to do. They want to be able to make their own decisions, or at least feel like they can.
As a result, inform your list that they have the option of going to a blog article, one of your social media channels, or a product page by clicking the CTA in your email. You can manage these with the help of a free email marketing software. You’re not pressuring them to do anything; they’re free to act as they like.
Using a simple sentence like “But the option is yours” has been found in multiple studies to increase the likelihood that someone will accept your idea.
You don’t want to overuse the phrase “the choice is yours,” as you don’t want to overdo many of the other persuasive strategies in this article. This is a certain way to lose your subscribers’ trust. We recommend using this strategy when making a significant request, such as purchasing a product or service.
Make your emails more convincing.
Persuasive writing is an important ability to have, especially in email marketing. Your business will be more successful if you can constantly attract your subscribers to open your emails and click on your CTAs. Fortunately, persuasion isn’t a difficult skill to master. You just need to implement a free email marketing software that helps automate the email marketing process so you can concentrate on writing great emails.
All you have to do now is understand the basic persuasion principles we discussed before and put the five recommendations we provided into practice. That will help you improve your email game.
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