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How to Engage Unresponsive Customers

Unresponsive Customers

You have a few ways to engage unresponsive customers. The first is to be helpful and friendly in your emails. Your tone should be friendly and inviting. Even if the customer hasn’t responded, you want to let them know they can ask questions or voice concerns without being judged. In this article, RisePath walks you through the ways you can engage your unresponsive customers.

If you are emailing the customer about a product they recently purchased, send an email that addresses the customer by name, thanks them for their purchase, and then tells them how they can contact you with any questions.

You should also try to engage customers on social media. If your company has a Facebook page or Twitter account, make sure you post regularly and interact with customers who comment on your posts. This way they will see that you are responsive on social media and may even go to your social media pages if they have a question or concern.

In addition to interacting with customers on social media, you can also reach out privately through private messages on Facebook or Twitter if possible. Some customers may prefer the privacy of this platform over emailing back-and-forth with someone from your company’s support team.

In the early days of our business, we were excited about every new lead. We would call them repeatedly, even when they weren’t ready to talk. We wanted to get them interested in our company and our products. But it didn’t work.

We assumed that if someone became a lead, they were interested in learning more. Not true. Just because they were reading our content and asking us questions doesn’t mean they are ready to buy or even want to talk with salespeople yet. It just means they want to learn more about the problem your product solves.

Unresponsive customers are the most common problem encountered in telemarketing. In fact, 80% of calls made by telemarketers are not answered.

What is an Unresponsive Customer?

Unresponsive customers are those who would not respond to any call from a telemarketer. They can be categorized into two types:

Customer unresponsiveness can cause a lot of issues within the business-customer relationship. It can be hard to deal with because customers can range from any age and profession. Some customers will be more responsive than others and it is easy to get through to them. But there are some customers that simply don’t respond at all. 

Customers can be unresponsive for many reasons. Their active phase may have just ended, they could be too busy or even forgot about you. We have put together some tips to help you engage your customer more effectively to ensure they are happy and satisfied with your product or service.

  • Customers who don’t answer the phone at all.
  • Customers who hang up the phone immediately after knowing that it’s a sales rep call.

What Causes Unresponsiveness?

There are generally two reasons why customers do not respond to telemarketing calls- fear and frustration. Customers fear that their personal information will be compromised or that they will be coerced into buying something they don’t need. On the other hand, they may be frustrated because:

  • They may have been called before and did not find any assistance with their problem; or
  • They had bad experiences with previous sales reps either being harassed or pressured into buying products that they did not need.

No matter what industry you’re in or how much you love your job, you’ll deal with unresponsive customers at some point. It’s a fact of life that can really cause frustration for even the best of us, especially for those who are new to their role.

How do you define an unresponsive customer? They’re pretty easy to identify: they don’t respond to emails, phone calls, or other forms of communication. They may miss deadlines or cancel meetings at the last minute. They may not agree with your product or service and are simply waiting for the contract to end.

Customer service agents often dread dealing with unresponsive customers. They can be a challenge, to say the least. When an agent is unable to get a response, it’s easy for them to become frustrated and annoyed.

But remember: the customer is not your enemy! It’s not their fault that they aren’t responding. And if you know how to engage them properly, you’ll be able to resolve their issue – which means you can move on to the next ticket in no time at all.

4 Things You Can Do When Faced with Unresponsive Customers

The best thing about being an entrepreneur is getting to work with customers. It’s a huge privilege to serve people by solving their problems. It’s also humbling and educational because every customer has unique needs and causes you to approach problems in new ways.

The worst thing about being an entrepreneur is getting to work with customers. It’s upsetting when you’re trying your best and customers just don’t seem to care.

That said, there are some things you can do when faced with unresponsive customers. Here are five of them.

  1. Send a personalized video email

Gone are the days when video emails were new or novel. Video tools nowadays make it easy to record quick videos that look good on desktop or mobile devices. For example, if you have a free trial that requires credit card information, you can use a video email to show users where they can input their information and why it’s important to do so.  

  1. Pick up the phone

It’s easy for people to ignore an email, but if someone calls them, that’s another story entirely. When you call them, don’t be afraid to be persistent and leave voicemails if need be. 

  1. Reframe the situation

One of the best ways to change how you feel about a situation is to reframe it. Instead of getting frustrated or angry with your customer, try to put yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself if there are any valid reasons why they might be unresponsive. Are they on vacation? Are they swamped with work? Did your email end up in their spam folder?

Sometimes, the reason for a lack of response isn’t because your customer doesn’t care about your product or service. It could simply be that they’re too busy to get back to you right away, or that technology got in the way. If that’s the case, then it’s not a big deal and you don’t need to worry about it as much!

  1. Give them a little nudge

If you don’t hear back from your customer, it never hurts to send them a quick reminder email letting them know what happened since you last spoke. Let them know if there was an update they should be aware of, or if you have any new information for them.

Don’t forget to include a call-to-action at the end of your email so that they know what action you’d like them to take next.

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