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13 Illustrations of Sales Collateral You Need to Generate Income

You can consider the kind of assets you need after you are aware of the potential impact sales collateral may have.

RisePath brings you 13 illustrations of sales collateral that will help you generate income.

sales collateral

1. Case studies

Every business should have client case studies that show how a product or service works and the results you were able to achieve. Social proof has a significant influence.

Case studies describe the problem and the requirements of a client, the work you did, and the outcomes. Use the following format:

  1. The difficulty
  2. The answer
  3. The effects/outcomes
  4. Customer opinions

The more useful a case study is, the more potential clients will be able to use it. Since you want them to be able to identify the challenges that an existing client had and desire the same results, citing someone with a similar work title really aids in creating that familiarity.

Make sure you have at least one case study for each of your main client and buyer personas and services.

Initial meetings and the proposal phase of a sale are when case studies are most useful. Because it’s far simpler for a customer to comprehend the influence of a product through a tale about a company like theirs, they offer concrete examples.

2. Whitepapers and e-books

A report or manual that offers a thorough overview of a specific topic is known as a whitepaper or ebook. Whitepapers that are used as sales assets typically reinforce a company’s offering by promoting a specific product or stance.

Whitepapers show your knowledge by taking a thorough stance on a subject. White papers actually rank among the most successful sales material since 82 percent of decision-makers consult them before making a purchase, making them an efficient B2B sales tool.

The reasoning in the whitepaper is frequently the same as the justification for why clients require your services, making it an effective tool for presenting your case.

Find out what inquiries salespeople receive and see if there is a subject that often comes up in order to focus on a speciality that your clients are truly interested in. You can also discuss the broad trends with team leaders or managers.

Whitepapers can be used as a touchpoint to persuade stakeholders or rekindle talks that have cooled down in addition to helping generate leads.

3. Independently produced books

Self-published books offer a venue for sharing in-depth insight, giving them a fantastic chance for company influencers or leaders to show off their knowledge.

Self-published books are a good method to highlight your USP, enhance the sales process, and provide added value for course sales for businesses that provide advice or training.

While copies can be downloaded and read on a variety of devices, ebooks can be printed or distributed electronically by a self-publishing business. Businesses frequently combine book sales, which help offset costs, with free copies provided to potential customers.

Self-published books can be shared with prospects who are in your sales funnel and distributed as marketing materials at events.

4. Research

A salesperson’s claims are supported by research. It’s fantastic if you can draw attention to a fresh trend that a consumer can use or demonstrate the significance of your offering.

You have a better chance of developing a PR opportunity if you use an outside data research company that produces original, unique data for its clients. If not, you can conduct a more extensive industry-wide survey or poll your customers.

Research sparks curiosity and establishes competence. Your study can be distributed to prospective clients via sales presentations, emails, blog entries, or whitepapers.

5. FAQ

Making a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) gives potential consumers a reference to ensure the product is pertinent to them and functions as expected.

Potential complaints are addressed through FAQs. If a customer cannot quickly and simply understand how a new product or service operates, they may lose interest in it. For instance, a user would want to know whether your marketing solution integrates with other applications they use.

Additionally, it creates a beneficial resource for salespeople by providing them with a database of data to which they may refer to learn specifics they are unaware of.

The deliberation stage of the sales cycle is supported by FAQs.

You can display the resources as a knowledge base with separate articles delving into certain topics when product documentation reaches a sufficient degree.

6. Datasheets

Datasheets, often known as buyer guides, offer details on how your product operates, including everything from its physical characteristics to its effects.

In order to create social proof, a company handling Google advertising could give data on the amount of pay-per-click (PPC) spend they oversee and the click-through rates for specific industries.

During the consideration stage, salespeople can give consumers data sheets. A wonderful technique to make the buyer more likely to use a product is to go into detail about the product.

7. Business overview

A document that provides more information might support the pitch salespeople use to present your business.

This often consists of a brief introduction or business brochure outlining who you are and what you do. It serves to inform the contact, who has probably just learned about the company, of how you can assist.

Additionally, it gives the individual you’re proposing a resource they can easily distribute to other stakeholders.

Examples of company introductions include:

  1. How your business operates
  2. Your principles and value statement
  3. Description of your offerings in further detail
  4. A case study
  5. Pricing

At the start of the sales process, company introductions are frequently the most beneficial.

8. Templates for proposals

To describe how your business will provide a good or service, proposals are frequently employed. Making a template will spare your salesmen time, ensure that they adhere to the best standards, and maintain consistency in branding.

Every proposal might be based on a company-wide template, or you could make many to correspond to different consumer profiles or products.

Typically, proposals are presented orally or in written form.

In the last phases of your sales funnel, sales proposal templates are typically used.

9. Slideshows for sales

You will need to make a sales presentation deck if you want to present your products or solutions to clients.

An effective presentation sells something that will address the main problem or pain point that a prospect is experiencing using social evidence (such as the case studies discussed above), storytelling, and data.

Sales decks can be presented to prospects at any step of the sales funnel, so you’ll need to know where they stand in the buying cycle so you can adjust the content of the deck accordingly.

10. Email templates

Salespeople will frequently encounter scenarios that are similar if they follow a systematic sales procedure. Time can be saved and best practices are encouraged by identifying common email types and developing email templates.

Opportunities to construct templates can be found by asking salespeople what their emails serve at various stages of the sales process. Examples of sales collateral include:

  • Emails sent in a cold approach to a certain industry or character
  • After a call, send follow-up emails
  • Emails requesting meetings or product demonstrations
  • Emails or quotes for proposals
  • Emails sent to leads that have cooled off

By increasing your chances of successfully reaching several touchpoints, using email templates throughout your sales process has a cumulative effect.

11. Video

Videos are interesting and easy to distribute, making them a terrific tool to engage potential customers.

It’s never been easier to make and promote sales videos. All you need to get started is a good webcam and the editing tools that come with OS systems by default.

Your company’s leaders or individual salespeople may desire to produce video sales assets. Try to find particular problems that customers are having that are related to your product or service by thinking about the daily conversations that they are having.

Every stage of the sales funnel may be supported with video content.

12. Print advertising

A smart technique to stick in a prospect’s mind is to give them printed information.

When they leave a meeting or return to the office, they’ll undoubtedly pick it up again.

Print sales collateral examples include:

  1. Visiting cards
  2. Company pamphlets
  3. Product data sheets

Print material facilitates sales interactions, ranging from a lead exhibiting interest at a trade fair stand to a prospect visiting a company office.

13. Postal mail

Since 18th-century postal catalogues, direct mail has been a mainstay of sales material and is still effective today. Online advertising is everywhere, and the cost per click is rising. Cold calling can often be challenging to elicit responses from people. What could be more creative than sending something through the mail?

You can leverage current CRM data or apply regional targeting for your customers.

It can be cheaper to use an already-existing list, such as one from a trade publication or regional newspaper. Look for businesses with complementary offerings that serve a similar client base.

You may determine how successful ads are by including an offer with a tracking number. Giving prospective clients the information of a local point of contact or specific salesperson rather than a call centre phone number can increase conversion.

Direct mail formats and advantages:

  1. Letters. Customized letters are interesting.
  2. Postcards. Make an inexpensive statement or showcase a new site.
  3. Catalogues. Display goods and services.
  4. Company brochures. Introduce your company and describe your services.
  5. Sample. Try sending product samples.

Getting leads through direct mail is quite effective.

It basically comes down to giving your potential clients customised sales collateral that stands out from the competition. Your sales staff may only have a few seconds to make an impression, so why not provide them with timely, relevant, engaging, interactive, and valuable sales collateral?

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