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5 Ways Employers May Improve Employee Work-Life Balance

The distinction between work and personal life is becoming increasingly blurred.

Employees are more devoted to organisations that permit enrichment not only at work but also in their personal lives, according to a 2018 survey. Employees are more content and involved in their organisations when their employers invest in them as a full person. When their firms prioritised a good work-life balance, 87 percent of employees reported feeling more fulfilled, and 77 percent reported feeling more engaged.

Employers are paying attention.

According to the same report, providing employees with perks that encourage work-life balance is a key benefits strategy for 58 percent of firms.

RisePath brings you five ways employers can improve the work-life balance of their employees.

Work-Life Balance

What Is Work-Life Balance, and How Does It Affect You?

Work-life balance is a hot topic these days, and rightfully so. This word refers to the proportion of time spent working and spending time with family and friends. Work-life balance refers to a well-balanced lifestyle that promotes employee well-being and allows people to succeed in both their professional and personal lives.

What Is the Importance of Work-Life Balance?

It’s difficult to strike a work-life balance. While trying to satisfy the demands of your work life, it can be difficult to find time for family, friends, self-care, hobbies, and community. When an employee spends the bulk of their time working and feels as if they are neglecting other aspects of their lives, dissatisfaction, burnout, and discontent are common outcomes.

Employees are less likely to experience stress and have a more positive attitude toward their career and personal lives overall when firms foster a healthy work-life balance. In a survey, 72 percent of respondents said work-life balance is important while looking for a job. Employees can be fuelled by a strong work-life balance by:

  • Improved health
  • Increased loyalty, commitment, and involvement
  • Greater productivity

As a result, focusing on how to promote employee work-life balance is critical to an organization’s success. When your employees are at their best, they will produce their finest work.

Company Examples of Work-Life Balance

So, what can your organisation do to help employees maintain a better work-life balance and stay happy and engaged? Consider including these employee benefits as part of your entire benefits package and company culture.

  1. Parental Benefits

The bad news is that the United States does not have a particularly good track record when it comes to assisting new parents. What’s the good news? This doesn’t have to be the case all of the time. Even small parental benefits will go a long way toward impressing recruits and keeping current employees.

There are a number of specialist businesses that are gaining traction and can assist supplement the demand for parental support.

Businesses are starting to offer on-site childcare or even childcare stipends to help employees deal with the financial strain of returning to work. If a new benefit isn’t feasible, consider providing a paid maternity leave programme, extended maternity leave, or even a flexible return-to-work programme to assist new parents in adjusting to their new life.

“Mom mentorship” programmes, which link new moms with current working moms within the firm, are another inventive approach used by progressive companies. The mentorship programme offers support and advice from people who have faced the same particular hurdles as you when it comes to returning to work after a pregnancy.

Don’t forget about the dads! Most companies do not provide any paid or unpaid time off for new fathers. Consider scheduling time for dads to bond with their new family member. Paid or unpaid paternity leave, flex time or remote work options, on-site childcare, extra sick days that can be utilised to care for children, and counselling programmes are just a few examples of benefits.

  • Paid Time Off in Abundance

One of the most effective methods for promoting work-life balance? Less work means more time to enjoy life.

Some innovative PTO ideas are Paid Trip programmes, which give employees extra cash per year to spend on a vacation in addition to the paid time off they already receive, summer Fridays (or other early release days), paid sabbaticals, floating birthday PTO, mental health days, time off for volunteer or service initiatives, and even endless vacation days

  • Work Schedule Flexibility

Because life rarely happens between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 a.m., why should you expect your staff to handle all life events outside of work hours?

Enacting a flexible work policy, if permitted by your sector, will go a long way toward increasing employee retention and loyalty. This could imply enabling employees to come in early and leave early, or coming in late and leaving late. Allowing employees to depart during the day to attend family and personal activities is another way to support flexible work schedules.

  • Outside/Remote Work Possibilities

Working 40 hours a week in the office can get tedious and reduce employee productivity. Allowing your employees to work outside of the office or at home, on the other hand, can improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and creativity. It might also be a desirable incentive for potential recruits.

  • Initiatives for Health and Wellness

Contrary to popular assumptions, health and wellness programmes are beneficial to both employees and non-employees. According to studies, including well-rounded wellness activities into your entire benefits programme can save healthcare costs, boost productivity, and reduce absenteeism over time, all of which save your firm money!

Smoking cessation programmes, an on-site gym or gym stipend, company-hosted blood drives or flu shot clinics, an on-site stock of nutritious snacks, and a wellness stipend are just a few of the perks that can help keep your staff in top shape.

Set a Good Example

When executives and managers set the tone by working long hours or not taking much time off over the holidays, it’s difficult to foster a healthy work-life balance.

Organizational leaders must set the tone because culture begins at the top. Consider this: if your bosses arrive early and stay late every day, how can they expect their employees to emulate their behaviour? Make sure that work-life balance is a priority for everyone in the firm, and that company executives are leading by example by prioritising their personal lives.

That’s it: five approaches for employers to urge people to embrace a healthier work-life balance. Of course, there is a slew of other fantastic programmes available to aid the cause. Do you have any recommendations? Please share your favourite suggestions in the comments section!

Christine Lee

Christine is a former HR manager from Fortune 500 tech companies and has managed hiring, compensation and benefits, and payroll responsibilities for multiple companies.

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