In every firm, managers are essential. They establish and monitor corporate objectives, coach and inspire workers, and finally assume charge of the most crucial tasks for the company. Additionally, they are very busy. Because of this, the cost of a poor management hire might often be higher than you can bear to lose. This collection of interview questions will assist you in finding the greatest candidate if you want to make your upcoming management hire your best one yet.
What qualities make a great manager?
The adage “people don’t leave companies—they leave bosses” is accurate in the end.
So what distinguishes a superior manager from a mediocre one? We have discovered the following characteristics and behaviours of high-performing managers.
Put talent to use in performances
For employees to activate their skills, there needs to be a precise trigger. A genuinely excellent manager is one who can identify what makes a person special and use that to produce real commercial results.
Great managers build a strong feeling of team togetherness while recognising the individual talents of each employee and challenging each one to shine in their own special way. The emotionally unstable should not work in this field.
Give credit and express gratitude
Most managers are aware that praise is positively received by workers. (After all, nobody wants to believe that their labour is being ignored.)
But how many managers are able to identify the kind of appreciation that means most to each team member?
A manager must understand that each employee caters to a particular audience. You must be able to connect the employee to the audience he values most in order to succeed as a manager, whether that audience is his colleagues, you, your clients, etc.
Adapt coaching to learners’ preferences
Strength rests in differences, not in similarities, to paraphrase the late, great Stephen Covey.
We all learn in unique ways, and that’s fine.
There are some among us who analyse, some who act, and others who only watch. According to the study, poor managers assume that all employees are driven by the same factors and that they all acquire knowledge in the same manner. Knowing that what works for one employee may or may not work for another makes a manager genuinely great.
Employ talent
The potential of their team isn’t constrained by the duties and talents listed in a job description by great managers.
They select applicants whose skills will revolutionise the way work is carried out. Look for managers who have the guts to choose the people that will advance their organisation.
Do more of what is effective
Outstanding managers shift their focus to a person’s specific capabilities to support the development of their innate skill rather than trying to “improve” an employee and make them into someone they are not.
The skill of conducting management job interviews
Companies without a structured interviewing procedure are five times more likely to make a poor hire than those that have.
It’s important to do this correctly. We at RisePath have put up a list of 21 excellent interview questions to add to your own process or guide so you can master the art of selecting the top candidates for management posts.

Inquiry about their experience and work history
With the use of these inquiries, you can determine how a candidate’s background connects to the available position.
1. Please tell me your story. How did you get from your first job to your most recent one?
This is a fantastic icebreaker that also reveals their perspective on their own career path.
2. Describe your experience in leadership.
To obtain a sense of the kind of coach or mentor they’ll be, ask them to share a period when they assisted in the development of a worker.
3. What was the composition of the last team you managed in terms of age, gender, and race?
It’s a big deal. You must be aware of their opinions on inclusion and diversity in the workplace.
Behavioural inquiries
By assessing a candidate’s conduct in previous employment, these questions can assist you in making future predictions about them.
4. Can you share a moment when one of your team members erred? What were your tactics?
Learn about the candidate’s priorities in terms of boundaries and the type of culture they hope to create.
5. What would you change if you could?
We can only hope that they now know what has to be altered for a better result the next time.
6. What happened in response to that?
Check to see whether the candidate can accept responsibility for their actions and how they interact with their team while putting out a fire.
Inquiries about motivation and soft skills
You can determine if a candidate can manage different teams and work cooperatively by asking them these questions.
7. When was your best workday in the previous three months?
This is a more natural technique to discover candidates’ strengths as opposed to asking them the same old “What are your strengths” inquiry.
8. Describe the worst workday you’ve experienced in the previous three months.
Simply flip the question to reveal the candidate’s shortcomings.
9. How do you want to establish trust and credibility with your new team?
You need to know how your prospect intends to gain the team’s respect.
10. How do you communicate with the other members of your team?
Learn more about the way they communicate.
11. How do you set priorities for tasks when things are busy?
Find out how they cope with work-related stress and overwhelm.
Inquiries based on expertise
These inquiries are intended to help you quickly assess a candidate’s abilities and thinking by gauging how they respond to particular circumstances.
12. How do you identify possibilities for your team to incorporate management goals?
See if they have the ability to take the initiative and become strategic when called upon.
13. What do you think makes a great manager?
Find out what kind of manager your candidate hopes to become.
14. What standards did your previous employer utilise to evaluate employees?
Find out what performance metrics they typically use to measure success.
15. Who did you most recently promote? What made you decide to recommend them?
You can tell if they make an effort to develop and keep personnel by the response to this question.
16. On your last team, how many persons were promoted?
Assuming the prior response was affirmative.
17. Just how crucial are deadlines?
Obtain a sense of how rigid or flexible they will be.
18. How do you deal with deadline snafus?
Assess the candidate’s capacity to steer the team through a challenging situation.
19. How do you provide constructive criticism?
Check to see if they are the sort to deal with poor performance head-on and collaborate with staff to come up with a solution.
20. Describe a situation when you had to deliver some challenging comments.
Analyze their ability to handle having to deliver “bad” news.
21. How would you combat worker burnout?
Find out their position on balancing work and life.
What to be wary of
The aforementioned inquiries are excellent for identifying desirable qualities in a potential boss, but what about eliminating undesirable qualities?
Here are some pointers to help you spot any warning signs.
- Analyze the network fit. The capacity of your prospective manager to adapt to how the rest of the team operates is crucial. It has been demonstrated that hiring for network fit has a 30% greater influence on employee performance at the two-year mark than hiring for culture fit.
- Pose open-ended inquiries. Making the candidate ponder is a terrific approach to get them to respond to questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. They can also help you get a solid sense of how someone talks in more spontaneous settings.
- Don’t use hypotheticals. To better understand why a candidate took a particular decision and what they gained from it, always ask for personal experiences.
- Analyze the silent material. The majority of communication—55%—is nonverbal. Keep in mind that a candidate’s behaviour toward everyone—from your CEO to the receptionist—reveals something about who they are and how they will lead.
Although selecting the ideal manager for your team is not an easy undertaking, it will be much simpler if you have a sensible set of tools and recommendations. Make sure that everyone on your hiring team is on the same page about what you’re looking for and what questions to ask in order to help find your next A-player before you begin any manager interviews.
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