The buzz on the street is that remote jobs are here to stay.
Since Covid’s launch, a whopping 74 percent of businesses have announced plans to convert to more home-based labour on a permanent basis. The million and one reasons for employees to jump at the chance to work from home have become even more significant after 2020 (hello, work/life balance).
Even while everyone agrees that remote work is the new black in HR, it comes with a slew of obstacles, including how to get A+ remote talent.
Working with thousands of always-on people leaders has shown us that outstanding remote positions and a rock-solid remote hiring process are going to be the make-or-break for future HR success.
But if you’re still unsure where to begin, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Here’s how the hiring process for remote workers should go:
- To begin, determine which roles are best performed remotely.
- Then figure out what your potential employees truly desire.
- Next, learn about the patterns that will influence employer (and competitor) behaviour.
- Finally, recruit top talent by developing a hiring process that is guided by a.) your company’s needs and b.) the demands of today’s workforce.
Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty? In this RisePath article, we’ve gathered all the information you’ll need to nail each of these processes, finally get on the same page as your prospects, and figure out what the best remote work chances are in 2022 for both you and the rest of the labour market.
Take a look!

The top three distant jobs in 2022
While we adore a world of exotic settings and Zoom Bombing, certain job roles are simply more natural fits for remote than others—and the million-dollar question for firms finding out how to balance remote vs. in-house working post-Covid is ‘which are the greatest remote jobs for 2022?’
The following are the top three jobs that can be done from anywhere:
- Admin: The transition to remote work is easier for people who are used to working at a computer. Data entry, email response, report writing, and research can all be done from the comfort of your own home.
- Social media and content marketing: Marketing is another computer-based job that can be done from anywhere. The majority of marketing gurus are already app-savvy, making the transition to remote tools a snap.
- Human Resources: One of the best features of applicant tracking systems is that they make remote recruiting easy for both HR and candidates. As a result, HR positions are far more adaptable than they have ever been. Win-win.
Employee vs. Employer requirements: What do they both want from a remote position?
After you’ve figured out which departments function best from home, the next step is to figure out how the job market has altered since Covid launched.
Not only has remote working become more popular, but the incentives of both job seekers and hiring managers have shifted. It also pays to be aware of the new requirements.
Here’s how:
Employers’ requirements
In many ways, hiring is the same as it has always been: companies want happy, motivated, and loyal employees who enjoy coming to work every day.
One thing that has changed is that businesses are now more focused than ever on company resilience, which is why sourcing exceptional talent is now at the top of every corporate agenda.
That’s correct. The job market is now more competitive than it has ever been.
Employers are searching for the following skills post-Covid:
A personal interest in professional growth: According to research, 90% of hiring managers are more willing to recruit someone who worked on their professional development while Covid.
High staff retention: Employers rely on experienced, committed personnel for optimum resilience. Since the epidemic, businesses have placed a greater emphasis on staff retention than ever before, resulting in an unprecedented increase in employee engagement.
Great employee wellness: Employers have long known that happy employees equal a happy firm, but the post-Covid productivity statistics have brought employee wellbeing to the forefront. According to a survey, 62 percent of workers say they lose at least an hour of productivity every day as a result of Covid-related stress.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace: Increasing the breadth of perspectives in a team promotes innovation and productivity—and employers are aware of this. The commercial case for DEI is stronger than ever.
What employees want
The incentives for job seekers have shifted substantially in recent years.
Environmental challenges, social sustainability, and individual well-being have become major trends as the millennial workforce grows, with Gen Z following soon behind.
In the end, millennials are workplace consumers. They look for occupations that best suit their needs and long-term objectives. Employers must understand and act on the characteristics that make their organisation desirable to prospective prospects today more than ever. They have to make it easy for prospects to choose them above their rivals.
Let’s dig down what job seekers really want in 2020+ to take your candidate understanding to the next level:
- Social and environmental: “If anything, the pandemic has encouraged [millennial and gen Z employees’] desire to help promote positive change in their communities and around the world,” according to a 2020 survey. They continue to advocate for a future where businesses and governments share the same commitment to society, emphasising people before profits and environmental sustainability.”
- Great work/life balance: With the situation of child care in flux and mental health difficulties on the rise, it’s no surprise that candidates seek work schedules that are flexible. Companies that provide flexi-time or remote work possibilities are considerably more likely to recruit top personnel.
- Wellbeing and mental health: Since the pandemic, more than a third of Americans have indicated that their mental health has deteriorated. This has been a difficult year for job seekers, with unemployment reaching 12.5 million. It’s no surprise that businesses that prioritise employee happiness outperform the competition.
Create the best remote jobs possible in 2022 and beyond
The secret to attracting great remote applicants is to figure out what they want and then base your hiring process around that information.
Companies face numerous hurdles in this uncertain environment, but with top personnel and the appropriate tools on their side, resilience is guaranteed.
But keep in mind that it all starts with creating a fantastic hiring process to attract the best candidates. Get your hiring in order, and the rest will take care of itself.
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