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Phone Screen Interview: An HR Employer’s Guide to Keeping It Candidate-Friendly

Phone Screen Interview

When it comes to hiring, things might go either way. On paper, it’s easy for such a candidate to appear wonderful, but when you get down for a face-to-face interview, it’s clear that they aren’t the perfect match. You have a limited amount of time as the person in charge of recruiting. There is a pressing need to get people inside the auditorium as quickly as possible.

However, you’re well aware that everyone you bring on board must be a perfect fit for the position. In other words, you need to conduct your interviews in such a way that they demonstrate to the applicant who you are as a business. An interview over the phone that lasts between 20 and 30 minutes is a good place to start.

A phone screen interview is a great way to get a sense of who’s a good fit for your company without having to go through the trouble of doing a complete in-person or video interview. It’s going to require some deliberate effort on both your and your candidate’s part to get the most out of your phone screen time. We’ve put up this useful guide to make your life a little easier!

When, when, and how to conduct a successful phone screening interview

Step 1: Get everyone ready 

To get the greatest outcomes, treat the phone screen interview like any other component of your recruiting and hiring process. Make sure you have an easy-to-use applicant scorecard so that you can immediately record your comments after the interview and share them with the rest of the recruiting team.

You won’t have to scribble down notes throughout the interview, which allows you to focus on the applicant and the information they’re presenting. Your prospects may also benefit from having a few minutes to think about the responses before the phone interview, which will make them feel more secure and prepared.

Step 2. Schedule the interview

Scheduling appointments, even phone screen interviews, may be difficult due to the difficulty of getting on everyone’s schedule. Most phone screen interviews are conducted one-on-one, although a recruiter, hiring manager, or member of the team from the manager’s department may be present depending on the size and structure of your firm.

It doesn’t matter how many people are on the call; if you want to maintain your phone screenings candidate-friendly, you’ll need to stop sending repetitive emails and set days and times that are agreeable to both interviewers and applicants. In order to assist interviewers to recall what they appreciated about a particular candidate’s comments and compare notes when they are still fresh in their minds, a famous employment website suggests conducting same-day interviews.

It is possible to make arranging interviews easier by asking applicants for various dates that will work or by providing them with a fast scheduling link if you have many scheduled interview days or the option to allow them to choose their day. 

Step 3. Make a strong impression

Even if you can’t employ everyone, you should make an effort to impress every applicant you meet. So make the most of the little amount of phone time you have.

Step 4. Ask the proper questions during the phone interview

Remember that you have a limited amount of time to get to know & impress a potential employer. Make sure your phone interview questions are simple to grasp, conversational, on topic, and legally acceptable before you call.

Step 5: End the phone interview in a positive tone

A good interview begins and ends with how you present yourself. To ensure that your phone interviewees have a memorable experience, here are a few suggestions.

Make sure there’s adequate time for questions and answers.

Flip the script at the end of the phone interview and put oneself in the spotlight. It’s up to you at this point to provide them with responses.

Those that are interested in the position are likely to ask you questions to impress you. Let them know you’ll be happy to address any questions that they may have after the interview, as well.

Candidates should not be abandoned.

Your next step following a phone interview should be apparent to prospects, and you should let them understand either:

a) The steps they’ll need to do if you’re ready to go forward in the employment process.


b) When you’ll be in contact with their current situation.

Regardless of what you do, say “thank you.”

Do not allow too much time to pass between the interview & your decision on a job offer, since this may be quite stressful for applicants. They took time out of their hectic (and often emotional) job-hunting schedules in order to learn more about your firm and the vacant position.

They are entitled to a prompt response.

It’s understandable that job seekers are pickier than ever before about the firms they apply to. Prepare a phone interview that’s straightforward, easy, and above all, human by going the additional mile.

And if you’re ready to improve your hiring and recruiting methods, RisePath HRTeam can assist you. You and your team have the ability to develop and improve your recruiting process, no matter how big or small, thanks to RisePath HRTeam‘s straightforward, visible applicant pipeline, purposeful automations (and zero AI bias).

Christine Lee

Christine is a former HR manager from Fortune 500 tech companies and has managed hiring, compensation and benefits, and payroll responsibilities for multiple companies.

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